How to Recognize God's Voice Pt. 1

Bible Study Recap: How to Recognize God's Voice (Pt. 1)

This week’s Bible study, led by our pastor, explored how God speaks to His people and how we can learn to recognize His voice. Through Scripture and reflection, we examined the ways God has communicated with humanity from the beginning and how He continues to do so today.

God’s Desire to Speak to Us

From the Garden of Eden to today, God has always intended for us to hear and recognize His voice. In Genesis 2:16-17, His first command to humanity centered on what we consume—both physically and spiritually. The Hebrew word "akal" (אָכַל) means to consume or devour. It is often used figuratively to represent not just physical eating, but the consumption of ideas, knowledge, and spiritual truths.

Adam and Eve’s choice to disobey and consume what was forbidden led to spiritual separation. Yet even in their failure, God’s voice still called out: “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:8-9). This same question resonates with us today—where are we spiritually, mentally, and emotionally? Recognizing God's voice starts with understanding our position before Him.

The Power of God’s Word

God primarily speaks through His Word. Scripture provides instruction, correction, and clarity (2 Timothy 3:16). Jesus, the living Word, is the ultimate revelation of God’s voice (Hebrews 1:1-3).

The Bible is more than words on a page—it is our daily sustenance. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4). Just as food sustains our bodies, God’s Word nourishes our souls.

Hearing God: Logos & Rhema

God’s Word comes to us in two key ways:

Logos: The written, eternal truth of God that applies to all people and all situations (John 1:1).

Rhema: A specific word from God, often revealed through Scripture, that speaks to a particular moment or decision in our lives (Romans 10:17).

While Logos provides a foundation of truth, Rhema gives timely guidance. Understanding both helps us distinguish God’s voice from our own thoughts or external influences.

Transforming Our Minds to Discern His Voice

Recognizing God’s voice requires a renewed mind. Romans 12:1-2 urges us to surrender our lives to God, reject worldly influences, and allow His truth to shape our thinking. Testing what we hear is also essential, as 1 John 4:1-2 reminds us to “test the spirits” to discern what is truly from God.

Final Reflection

God is always speaking—are we listening? His voice isn’t loud or forceful but requires stillness, faith, and obedience. As we immerse ourselves in His Word and stay sensitive to His Spirit, we can confidently recognize and follow His voice.

Next Steps

? Slides: How to Recognize God's Voice Pt. 1
? Recording: Listen to the Session

Take time this week to reflect: How has God spoken to you? How can you be more intentional in hearing His voice? We look forward to diving deeper in our next session!
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