From Condemnation to Freedom: A Journey of Righteous Living

From Condemnation to Freedom: A Journey of Righteous Living

This September, we’ve embarked on a transformative journey at Mountain Springs Church, delving deep into the vital theme of righteous living. Our exploration began with the story of Nicodemus, who approached Jesus with a burning question: "What does it mean to be born again?" This inquiry not only highlights the nature of spiritual rebirth but also sets the stage for our understanding of identity in Christ.

Embracing Our Identity

Fidelis recently shared profound insights on what it means to be truly free and no longer condemned. As Christians, our identity is deeply intertwined with our faith, and it’s essential that we embrace it openly rather than live as “secret service” Christians, concealing our beliefs from the world. We are called to shine brightly as representatives of Christ, demonstrating our faith through our actions and words.

The Power of Justification

One of the key concepts we’ve explored is “justification.” This powerful term signifies that we have been declared righteous—our debts wiped clean through the grace of God. Fidelis reminded us of the foundational truth from Romans 5:18-19: through one man’s disobedience, Adam, we became sinners, yet through one man’s righteousness, Jesus, we are offered salvation. This juxtaposition serves as a reminder of the incredible grace extended to us.

To revisit the sermon on being free and no longer condemned, you can watch it here.

Living by Faith, Not by Works

Our righteousness is rooted not in adherence to the Mosaic law but in our faith in Jesus Christ. This shift from self-reliance to reliance on His righteousness is liberating. We are no longer bound by the weight of the law; instead, we walk in the freedom that Christ provides.

The Journey of Sanctification

In our exploration of righteous living, we also examined the concept of sanctification—the ongoing process of transformation into Christ’s likeness. The teachings from our New Creation Bible Study illuminated the parallel between being free and being a new creation in Christ. When we accept Jesus, we are not just forgiven; we are cleansed and empowered to break free from the chains of sin.

For those interested in deeper insights from the New Creation Bible Study, you can view the slides here.

No Condemnation in Christ

As highlighted in our studies, Romans 8:1 reassures us: “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” This promise encapsulates the essence of our newfound identity. We are free, not just from the penalty of sin but also from its power over our lives.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

As we conclude this month of reflection, let us embrace our identity as new creations. May we walk boldly in the freedom and righteousness that Christ has gifted us, shining His light into the world around us. Together, let’s continue to grow in grace and truth, embodying the love of Jesus in all we do.

Join us as we carry these truths into our daily lives, living out the freedom we have in Christ.

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